Razanne vs. Bratz
Here's the Razanne doll we looked at in class yesterday compared with a popular U.S. doll - Bratz. An interesting contrast that helps us see why many conservative Muslims in Arab countries find American pop-culture offensive and invasive.
Get Involved! (Israel/Palestine)
Here are some links to websites that can give you some more information or just help you get involved in some way. No matter what you believe or where you stand, my hope for all of you (yes Joe, all 47 of you), is that you'll believe it enough to do something about it. To that end here's a few links. If you find more that are relevant I encourage you to post them in the 'comments'. Have a good weekend.
Stand With Us!NACPACAmerican Israel Public Affairs CommitteeAmericans for Peace NowChristian Peacekeeper Teams in PalestineJews Against the Occupation
Joe Sacco
Here is some more info about the author/artist of the comic book we read in class today. Enjoy, and have a good weekend.
Mark Foley Ad (spoof)
This Ad pokes fun of the fact that to vote for Mark Foley's replacement, Joe Negron, you actually vote for Mark Foley on the ballot (Negron's name does not appear on the ballot). Here's the link to the ad we listened to today in class. Click
here, and then click the 'listen' button.
Well here it is Seniors. A blog just for the 47 of us. The purpose of this blog is to post links related to 'Contemporary World Problems' that may be helpful, interesting, or even humorous. The blog is an extra thing, and it is in no way a requirement to check what is being posted. It's all gravy (the meat and potatoes are still taken care of in class). Showing up here is not extra credit or anything, but nice try.